The Village at the Crossroads, 3/8/23

The Village at the Crossroads, 3/8/23


The Village at the Crossroads
Find out what was discovered under Pine Tree Circle

Speaker: Andrew York
When: Wednesday, March 8, 2023
7:00 P.M.: Potluck Dinner
8:00 P.M.: Presentation
Where: Topanga Community House, 1440 N Topanga Canyon Blvd.

Early settlers reported finding many artifacts from a Native American settlement where the two canyons meet at what is now Pine Tree Circle. The site was gradually lost to development and thought to be destroyed—until remnants of this village were recently discovered during utility installation under the highway. Archaeologist Andrew York, who headed the recent surveys and grew up within a mile of the site, will describe the resulting work that recovered thousands of artifacts.

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Posted on: February 6, 2023Topanga Historical Society