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About the Topanga Historical Society
The Topanga Historical Society (THS) was organized in 1974 by a group of dedicated community leaders who recognized the urgent need to collect and preserve records of Topanga’s unique history and to make them available to future generations. The Society maintains an Archive Center and presents quarterly local history programs.
The Archive Library contains a rich collection of local history materials which includes back issues of three Topanga newspapers, a large photograph and document collection, and community organization records.
Quarterly Events
The THS Quarterly Meetings begin with a potluck dinner, or a picnic, followed by a local history program. January, April and July meetings are held at the Topanga Community House on the third Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise noted, and include a potluck dinner at 7:00 p.m. followed by the presentation at 8:00 p.m. The October meeting is held at various Topanga sites on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted, with a picnic at noon and the program at 1:00 p.m.