Rose Wiley’s 90th Birthday Picnic, 10/24/21
“Rose Wiley’s 90th Birthday”
- When: Sunday, October 24, 2021, 12:00 p.m.
- Admission: $20 for a catered outdoor luncheon.
- Members Only: Non-Members MUST join or renew their Membership.
- RSVP to Pay by
Oct. 15thOct. 17th: Email to let us know you’re coming. If this link does not work for you, please copy and paste the email address into your email program. We will reply with the link to pay for the event, and if necessary, to renew or sign up for Membership as that is required. Also included in that email will be the address of the event. RSVP-ing is absolutely necessary. No walk-ins permitted. - Where: The event is at a private home. We will reply with the address.
Rosagua “Rose” Wiley is the granddaughter of Francisco and Manuela Trujillo, who settled Old Topanga in 1886. Her mother Cornelia Gomez answered a call to help at the Trujillo Ranch in 1913, and wound up marrying the oldest son Dolores Trujillo.
“Seated at the wheel of his 1928 LaSalle touring sedan, kerchief knotted around the collar of his blue denim jacket and eyes shaded by his wide-brimmed felt hat, to many observers Dolores Trujillo was the epitome of pastoral Topanga.”
— The Topanga Story
Rose married Robert Wiley, and raised six children—Marguerite, Robert, David, John, Laura, and Jimmy—on the Trujillo homestead, where she still lives today.
Learn more about Topanga in our Books and Archive.
Rose Wiley, 2017. Photo by Tony Verebes, c/o The Canyon Chronicle.
Posted on: September 24, 2021Topanga Historical Society